LAUTEM - Wednesday, 6th of December 2023

The National Executive Council of the Timor-Leste Women Entrepreneurs Association, namely
  1. Mrs. Bonciana Gorete Monteiro (External Relations and Social Promotion)
  2. Mrs. Sandra Felisbela do Rego).
  3. Mrs. Maria Fatima,
Participated on Friday, December 6, 2023, in a General Assembly was held to establish strength in the Quadrilateral in Lautem Municipality/ AEMTL Lautem Municipality Structure.

This expansion activity through the General Assembly was attended by Local Authorities, CCI-TL Lautem Municipality, AEMTL, and all members. 

This activity receives support funds from the Minister Coordinator of Economic Affairs (MCAE).
Produced under the Project "Partnership for Strengthening Urban Governance, Social Inclusion, and Entrepreneurship Promotion in Dili, Timor-Leste" (CSO-LA/2021/428-398).
This website has been produced with the support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of the implementing partners and can in no way be taken as reflecting the views of the European Union.