Alcina Mendonça Martins President - 77588311 No name yet Vice President of Infrastructure and Mineral Affairs - 78430699 Idalia Barbara dos Santos Secretary - 75586388 Leopoldina Estia carvalho da costa II Vice Treasurer - 77710008 Mariana Laha-Mau Pereira Supervisory Board - 76258743 Leopoldina da costa tilman Supervisory Board - 77459461 Selestra Fátima Vice President of Trade Affairs & Tourism - 75597107 Etelvina Rodriquez lopes Vice President of Trade Affairs & Tourism - 76188216 Joana Maria Babo Member - 74496953 Fransisca Mendonca Member - 75129063 Delfina de Jesus da Cruz I Vice Secretary - 74243197 Maria Martins Member - 77350143 Antonia Sena dorego Member - 76850350
Produced under the Project "Partnership for Strengthening Urban
Governance, Social Inclusion, and Entrepreneurship Promotion in Dili,
Timor-Leste" (CSO-LA/2021/428-398). This website has been produced with the support of the European Union. Its
content is the sole responsibility of the implementing partners and can in no
way be taken as reflecting the views of the European Union.