Martinha Santu Antunes President - 77255224 Elisabet isaac Sarmento Vice-President of Institutional Strengthening Affairs - 77253495 Elisabeth heliyani Vice President of External Relations and Business Promoting - 76421496 Elsa de Carvalho Vice President of Infrastructure and Mineral Affairs - 75667185 Olinda da cruz Vice President of Creative Industry and Social Business Affairs - 75981566 Maria Patricia Y. Beda Secretary - 75768498 Josefa da Conseicao Tehcnical and Legal Office - 76567362 Anamerita U.M. dos Santos Secretary - 78382947 Farnanda Tilman Sepeda Technical and Legal Office - 78024493 Aurora F. De J. Noronha Treasurer - 75723901
Produced under the Project "Partnership for Strengthening Urban
Governance, Social Inclusion, and Entrepreneurship Promotion in Dili,
Timor-Leste" (CSO-LA/2021/428-398). This website has been produced with the support of the European Union. Its
content is the sole responsibility of the implementing partners and can in no
way be taken as reflecting the views of the European Union.